Please click on any image for a larger view
Each release below is a Timed Edition and can
retire at anytime. All will retire Oct 31, 2006 if not before, so don't
let the goblins get you call your dealer or email
today to secure yours.
These will begin to ship Late September 2006.
Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble
Version 1
Hand Stained
Shadow Black Cat and Caldron
Orange Flames and Red Devil with Hand Stained / Painted
Brew interior.
$65.00 |
Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble
Combination finish
Version 2
Overlay Black Caldron, Shadow Black Cat
with Orange / Yellow Flames, Red Devil, Hand
Stained / Painted Interior
of 50
$75.00 |
Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble
Version 3
Hand Stained Ivory Finish Caldron with
Hand Stained Black Cat Orange / Yellow Flames and Red Devil.
Hand Stained / Painted Interior
$65.00 |
Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble
Version 4
Overlay Black Caldron, Vibrant hand
stained Red / Orange Flames and Red Devil, interior brew is Hand
Stained / Painted, Shadow Black Cat
LE of 34
$75.00 |
 The Below are
photos for Size Comparison of the above
Boil & Bubble to Last years
Eryeville Witch Pieces, well one
Witch shown wasn't a release :).
For more information on Last years Eryeville Witch
and other releases. Please click the home page link above and then
visit our 2005 List Page Please
click any photo for a larger image.